Overview of the Doctor of Philosophy in Economics

You will have coursework in the core subjects and two fields of your choice in the first two years of the program. Our main objective, though, is to help you develop your own research agenda as quickly as possible and get you working on it full time. This means you must have a solid knowledge of MA-level core subjects (micro-, macroeconomics and econometrics) from your previous program. 

In case you do not have such a background, we strongly advise you to apply for MA in Economics. Bear in mind that many courses offered in MA in Economics can be counted toward your PhD degree and thus significantly reduce your PhD coursework in the future. 

Core courses

  • Advanced Macroeconomics (2 CEU, 4 ECTS credits)
  • Advanced Econometrics (4 CEU, 8 ECTS credits)
  • Advanced Microeconomic Theory (2 CEU, 4 ECTS credits)


  • Applied Microeconomics 
  • Public and Labor Economics
  • Behavioral Economics
  • Econometrics 
  • Financial Economics 
  • International/Macroeconomics 

In order to complete a field, you will need to take 8 CEU, 16 ECTS credits worth of classes in it (approximately two full-semester courses). 


You will gradually transit from taking courses to conducting independent research.  A preliminary advisor will be assigned to you upon entry, who will guide you through the initial stages of the program and help find you a final advisor.  In years 1 through 3, you will take the PhD Research Seminar, where in year 1 you will learn to present academic papers, and in years 2 and 3 you will begin to present and get feedback on your own research ideas. Your advisor and other faculty will guide you through executing your own independent research, which you will start presenting to the entire Department in year 3.
